About Module

Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd and all other Brunei Shell companies have zero tolerance for business integrity violations of the law or our BSJV Code of Conduct. Business Integrity is a fundamental principle and priority for our companies, and we expect of all staff, managers, directors, business partners and contractors to comply with the law and our BSJV Code of Conduct. In this course you will learn and understand the elements of a strong Ethics and Compliance environment, understand the importance of commitment towards Ethics and Compliance in your business, gain an awareness of the overview of BSJV Supplier Code of Conduct and non-compliance to Business Integrity

100% online


Topic 1: Bribery & Corruption

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Topic 2: Conflict of Interest

Avoiding confilct of interests

Topic 3: Gifts & Hospitality

Policy on gifting

Topic 4: Securing & Protecting BSJV's Assets

Securing assets

Topic 5: BSJV’S Core Compliance Message​

Core compliance message